Day 12: Meal Prepping

Meal prepping can be fun but challenging at the same time. Without giving yourself the proper amount of time to plan and commit to it, it will not last long. Depending on the number of meals you are making, it may be easier to divide the prep days into two separate days. Dividing the process … Continue reading Day 12: Meal Prepping

Day 5: 5 Current Goals

Build muscle I have always had a smaller figure. In high school, I had the “thigh gap” and was always very skinny. But I still hated the way I looked. I did not like the “thigh gap” trend as it was a constant reminder of how those around me questioned whether or not I had … Continue reading Day 5: 5 Current Goals

The Importance of Hydration

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, to hydrate is to add water or moisture; to supply with ample fluid or moisture. According to Family Doctor, water regulates your body temperature and lubricates your joints. Water also helps transport nutrients to give athletes the energy needed and keep them healthy. If an athlete is not properly hydrated, their … Continue reading The Importance of Hydration