Day 15: Eating – Drinking – Thinking

128858725dc568ca5a5f27c863cd04b0Healthy eating, proper drinking, and positive thinking are key aspects of living a healthy lifestyle. All three will influence the overall well being of your health. You should love your body and want to take care of it so proper nutrients, drinking enough water, and having a positive mindset will lead you to success.

Eating habits can influence your overall well being. If you do not eat healthy, you could be setting yourself up for future medical conditions. If you are eating healthy, you will be providing your body with the proper nutrients needed to be a healthy individual.

When I eat healthy I know it is not only good for my body, but it also makes you feel much better. If I eat fast food it may upset my stomach or just not feel too good after a while. But if I choose to eat healthier, I am much happier and I feel great!

I mentioned drinking enough water in many of my other posts like the Importance of Hydration, 5 current goals, and three healthy habits. Proper hydration will help you be successful. Check out the Importance of Hydration to learn more!

Be positive! There is nothing wrong with constructive criticism if it is being used to help you better yourself. Instead of saying “I can’t” say “I will.” Do not back down from challenges and assure yourself that you can and will be successful. Hard work does pay off. You just need to get yourself to that point of motivation where you do not give up until you reach your goal. Dedicate yourself to whatever it is you are trying to accomplish and keep pushing. If you are truly motivated and dedicated, you will become passionate about your goal. After reaching one goal you will become even more passionate about reaching the others. While you are pushing yourself, don’t forget to take time to care for your body. You will want to give up and your body will hurt at times but if you keep working hard it will all be worth it in the end. But you cannot let this drive for success interfere with your love for your body. You need to care for your body through healthy eating and proper hydration in order to be successful. Allow yourself to have cheat days and rest days because they are just as important as the other days. Never ever stop loving yourself.

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