Day 11: Self-esteem

Self-esteem is all of the different thoughts, feelings, and opinions we have about ourselves. Self-esteem can change depending on the way we think. Positive thoughts, feelings, and opinions can improve our self-esteem. But, negative thinking can lower our self-esteem over time.img_3250

You are the one controlling your thoughts. The opinions of others will only influence your self-esteem if you allow it to. The way YOU think about yourself will impact the way you feel about yourself. If you want to feel good about yourself, take notice of all the great qualities you have.

Do not criticize yourself to the point it lowers your self-esteem. Reword the phrases that tear you down into a form of constructive criticism. Nobody is perfect. Being the best you is what is important.

Focus on the positives and accept constructive criticism. Rather than dwelling on the problems in your life, focus on the great things. Even on your toughest days, there will be something positive to counter it.

One way to improve the focus on the positives is to write them down. By writing down 1-3 good things about yourself and/or 1-3 things that well that day because of your action/effort, you will notice much more good that happens in your day to day life. You will also appreciate the good much more.

Self-esteem will grow with effort and dedication. Set goals and crush them. Try new things. Recognize what you can and cannot change. Remember that each person is unique and has their own special qualities. View mistakes as learning opportunities. Take pride in your opinions and ideas. Contribute. Exercise. Have fun!

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